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“For Such A Time as This”


 Tom Emerson, Jr. :

Republican Candidate for United States Senate, Tennessee 2020


"The First Four I's, Plus One"


I am one of a very few United States Military Veteran's as a: Candidate for the United States Senate representing Tennessee 2020.  I served six years in the United States Navy during the end of the Vietnam War and am a Vietnam Era Veteran.  Four years and three months onboard the USS John F Kennedy (CV-67) Aircraft Carrier, making three Mediterranean Cruises and one NATO Cruise.

I will pursue shutting down Planned Parenthood that kills the unborn at an alarming rate each year and operates on millions of dollars provided by the U.S. Government, actually the taxpayer’s money (yours and mine).
In other words:

I am a committed Pro-Life candidate.

I will commit to pursuing Term Limits for ALL politically held and elected positions and offices from Federal to Local levels.

I am retired from forty-four years in Information Technology.  My IT career began with the United States Navy.  The technology equipment specialized in would land a fighter jet onboard the USS John F Kennedy (CV-67) Aircraft Carrier if the pilot was wounded and placed his aircraft in auto-pilot, landing the pilot-less aircraft safely and saving the navigator's life.


America should and has to bring back public prayer in schools.

America should and has to bring back The Pledge of Allegiance in every classroom throughout America.


Issues and Goals (Platform) outlined below.
[not particularly in order of priority]

1.    Term Limits: 
a. Eliminate Career Politicians.
b. No More than Two Terms per elected office.
c. U.S Congress, which should be no more than Four Terms or 8 years.
d. U.S. Senate no more than Two Terms or 12 years.
e. Term Limits from Federal to Local Government Elected Offices.
f. Term Limits will bring serious people who desire to SERVE American Citizens the best they can and get as much positive service accomplished as is possible within their respective term limit that will benefit the majority of the U.S. Citizens.
g. No more political families, rich and wealthy families or families who are favored by both previous stated will have any advantage to existing and maintaining the status as a Career Politician. 
h. No more ‘Good Ole Boys Network’, according to the TERM LIMITS policy. 
i. New policies, processes and procedures for Federal to Local Government elected offices. This will ensure that it will be fare for all Citizens and increase service to all American Citizens.

2.    Veterans Affairs (active duty personnel, Veterans, and their families):
a. Revisit governing rules and procedures for Veterans who have legitimate cases of disabilities to support each military veteran the best way possible to include their families.
b. Make similar disability procedures to award all veterans the best care by this Government of The United States of America.
c. Ensure that ALL Veterans receive the CARE (Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Materialistic and Monetary, to include shelter and healthcare) they need and that includes their families.
d. Create new policy for Primary Care Physicians that include in their job responsibility to fill out requested disability questionnaires from each Veteran they have the privilege to serve and that have provided such PCP their documented requests and forms that should be filled out and completed by such PCP.
e. When a veteran asks and requests an appointment with their PCP, that they receive the appointment instead of their PCP just sending them prescription medication. 

3.    Health Insurance:
a. Repeal Obamacare
b. Make Health Insurance affordable to all Americans based upon each American's Individual Income.

c. Penalize Insurance Companies found guilty of charging American citizens more than what is affordable to each citizen.

4.    Build Our Military:
a. The very best Offense is a very strong Defense.
b. Increase the U.S. Military in every way possible and conceivable.
c. Negotiate with BIG Civilian/Military companies and businesses the least amount of cost to the US Military and Federal Government for adequate and professional, to include the latest technology, equipment to the U.S. Military.
d. Give such businesses/organizations tax cuts and exemptions for their lower cost of Military equipment to give the U.S. Military the latest and most efficient equipment possible to win every war and military conflict.
e. Give the U.S. Military the freedom to use every military option to ensure victory without U.S. Politicians limiting the U.S. Military in what they can and cannot do. Exception: The President of the United States of America.

f. This does not curtail check and balances that ensure the use of U.S. Military action, but as a last resort.

5.    Curtailing Violence:
a. Support in every way and concept all local, state and national police, fire fighters, EMS/EMT’s, Prison administrations/employees, Homeland Security personnel, Border Patrol personnel, First Responders and every VOLUNTEER that serves in any of the aforementioned categories.
b. Ensuring that all aforementioned personnel are equipped with the very best equipment, education, training and help in every way to perform each of their designated duties to ensure the most possible quantity of lives are saved and families restored.

6.    Pro-Second Amendment and Guilty of Murder:
    Article [II] (Amendment 2 - Bearing Arms)

NOTE in reference to the Second Amendment.

1. It is our constitutional right to own and bear arms
2. Criminals do not obey laws, any additional gun control laws ON TOP of the already strict gun control laws we have, do NOTHING to help law abiding citizens exercise their constitutional rights. Gun control ONLY hurts the law abiding citizens and leave us in a vulnerable position to criminals. With the heighten criminal problems, cries to defund the police, people behaving as if they are animals, burning , looting, and murdering... in our Country right now, people are more concerned than ever with being able to defend their self, our property, and family. Additionally Christ told the disciples to sell their cloak and buy a sword... self defense is wise and a teaching of Christ. The Best "gun control" would be to stop criminals, stop guns coming across our southern border, and return a value for human life by ending murder of innocent babies.
3. This State has a large percentage of people who enjoy hunting... My self included. Most hunters, or CC holders are fully aware of the already TOO many regulatory and over-reaching gun laws in Tennessee.

a. A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

b. Equip, allow and support each American Citizen the option and opportunity to keep and bear arms, to protect their families and themselves from lawbreaking and disturbed people who try to harm them with illegally used weapons. Second Amendment to The Constitution of The United States of America.

    i. There are too many gun control regulations and policies that exist today.  These existing gun control regulations and policies do nothing but hurt all law abiding citizens and in reality, help or assist all criminals.

    ii. Criminals will steal or acquire guns illegally.  No strings attached.  

    iii.  Law abiding citizens have to wait for some period of time after the gun seller has taken the law abiding citizens information, their life's data, then submit the law abiding citizens data to the appropriate authority for verification.  Then after a lengthy waiting period, the verifying authority either approves or disapproves the law abiding citizen for the purchase of a gun.  This is too much red tape and these gun control regulations and policies damage America and does not help America.
c. Anyone found guilty, with non-disputing supporting evidence, that has deliberately killed another individual, will be placed on Death Row within a short time of imprisonment, (three months maximum) and executed at the end of the three-month period.  This will do two things:

a. Make known to all criminals that the United States of America will deal with murderer's in the same manor that murderer's kill anyone else.  This should promote a person who is even thinking about killing someone else, the stringent law that if they do kill someone, that they will be put on death row and executed within the three month time frame.

b. Make the prison system less populated with someone who is a killer and murderer serving a life sentence, with their being able to live in prison the rest of the days of their lives while your tax dollar and my tax dollar supports them with three square meals a day, free education to a PHD degree, free GYM, etc.  

7.    Illegals in America:
a. Each, Every and All people from various countries outside of the U.S. are welcome to the U.S. With the stipulation as follows:
b. To live in the U.S., each immigrant must agree to and be processed through the already existing procedure to become a US Citizen after successful completion of the US Citizenship Course, to include the successful passing of the Course Test to grant them U.S. Citizenship.

    i.  Three attempts will be given to each immigrant to successfully pass the U.S. Citizenship test.

    ii. Two exceptions or five attempts in total, will be granted to any Immigrants who have any handicap status.

c. NO Illegal Immigrant will be given Free Social Security Benefits; Free Welfare; or anything FREE monetarily wise from the US. Period. NO EXCEPTIONS.

d. Living in the U.S. as a U.S. Citizen is a great privilege to work and earn a comfortable income, which is every U.S. Citizen’s dream and goal.
e. Once an immigrant meets the requirements for U.S. Citizenship, they will be the same, as are the requirements for all U.S. Citizens.

8. Border Control – Building the Wall Between America and Mexico: This is absolutely a must that has to be completed.  The reason is to protect Americans and American soil from all Drug Cartels moving deadly and addictive drugs from Mexico into America.

a.    Increase Homeland Security Personnel to keep America as drug free as possible.

b.    Train HLSP handling Illegal Immigrants crossing the borders.

c.     Ensure that ALL HLSP have the most current technology and training, providing them the best mechanisms to accomplish their jobs and ensure the safety of all Americans. 

9. Supporting Israel:

a.    JerUSAlem is the Capital of Israel.  This is God Almighty’s decision.  Who are we or anybody to argue with God Almighty?

a.    If the U.S. supports and has a friendly relationship with Israel, God will Heal the U.S. and every citizen.

b.    The U.S. should stay in good relationship and ever support the nation of Israel.

c.     Noted above, USA are the very middle letters that make up the city name, JerUSAlem.  It is my belief that if The United States of America supports and are friends with Israel, The United States of America will be Blessed by God Almighty.

10. Supporting President Trump:

a.    As a fellow Republican; A Ronald Reagan Republican with extremely strong conservative and Godly beliefs and values, knowing that President Trump knows Jesus as his personal Savior, leading this great nation, The United States of America in returning to God and depending upon God’s Wisdom to lead this nation for the betterment of ALL U.S. Citizens, I will support my President; President Trump.

b.    President Trump has taken much negative criticism from the negative media, and so many other negative sources.  It proves to me that President Trump was chosen by God Almighty to be the President of the United States of America.

c.     I know that President Trump early in his Presidential Campaign sought many Spiritual Christian Leaders to pray for him, to pray over him and in turn many of those leaders prophesied over and into him.

11.  Support ALL First Responders: Reference to item number 5 above.

a.    First Responders are many times the difference between life and death.

b.    Emergency situations occur every day and night.  First Responders are the First to Respond to a various number of life-threatening situations.

c.    First Responders deserve our utmost respect.

d.    First Responders also deserve the latest, most current training with the most current technology available to them to save even more lives than they already do.

12. Foreign Affairs – Locations where U.S. Military are:

a.    Several conditions to successfully develop and maintain friendly and supporting relationships with other nations are:

     i.        The U.S. Federal Government must be cautious when developing Foreign National relationships.

     ii.        NO, I repeat NO secrets involving the United States Government will be tolerated for any reason.  Those found to be traitors by giving U.S. Secrets to any foreign nation/national will be charged as such and judged accordingly, stripped of all-American Rights and punished as the courts decide.

     iii.        Only respected and proven individuals will be allowed and chosen to represent the U.S. in Foreign negotiations and relationship development.

b.    All Foreign National Relations will need to be approached by much prayer and even fasting.

13. Developing U.S. Jobs on US Soil:

a.    This effort is twofold.

     i.        Give Businesses Tax breaks to attract keeping American Jobs in America.

     ii.        Penalize Businesses who do not keep American Jobs in America by higher taxes and yearly financial penalties.

b.    Support and promote all small businesses.

14. Tax Cuts for all Americans:

a.    I support a National Sales Tax across and throughout this Great Nation and therefore eliminate ALL Income Taxes.

     i.        No Federal Income Tax will generate more than each personal income in every American Citizen’s household income.

     ii.        A National Sales Tax of no more than 10 Percent will increase the National and Federal Governments income, thereby actually helping every American Citizen and their families with an increase in their take home pay.

     iii.        Eliminating the National Income Tax will demonstrate and improve two things.

1.Give more self-confidence back to every American Citizen that they have a better livelihood and in turn increase every American Citizen’s belief that their Federal Government cares for them and are in existence to SERVE every American Citizen the best way/s possible.

2.This construction of no more income tax will increase the Federal Governments monetary income through the National Sales Tax.

b.    Americans are taxed enough.  My goal is to have my staff review as many tax laws as possible and provide me a list of all that can be deleted or thrown out.

c.     When the list is finalized, I present it to the Senate and Congress to vote on throwing as many out (eliminating) as deemed necessary.  This will require talks and discussions with as many sitting Senators and Members of Congress as possible, not to extend beyond one year.  I will fight, support and SERVE every American Citizen the very best I can.

d.    America and all citizens need to be respected enough and given something very positive from their elected officials in Washington DC.  My proposal is either a National Sales Tax or a National Income Tax, neither to exceed 10 Percent across the board.  And not both.  Either one or the other. If a person earns $50 thousand dollars a year, or a person earns $50 million dollars a year, the 10 percent income tax would apply accordingly.

15. Decrease National Spending:

a.    By bringing back all jobs from companies who currently outsource their various jobs to foreign nations, to America and providing MORE Americans those jobs, an increase of American Income will occur.

b.    With all excess income, America can begin the process, project and develop the budgetary procedures to decrease National Spending and in turn decrease the National Debt.

16. Drill for Natural Oil in Northern United States:

a.    Curtail the environmentalists and limit their involvement in controlling what America can do with the environment.

b.    There is, to my understanding, a vast oil reserve located in the northern states.  We, America need to drill for that oil and become self-dependent, self-sufficient. 

c.     This will eliminate America’s current need to purchase oil from other nations.

d.    American citizens can then rest, knowing that the price of gasoline at every gas station will be the same and won’t change daily, which is the case today and many years past.

e.    America in turn, will be providing oil to other nations and increase America's monetary income that will also strengthen America's relations with all other countries.

17. Eliminate Lobbyists and Special Interest Groups:

a.    One can have a career as a Lobbyist and retire handsomely after their Lobbying Career.  This needs to change dramatically and change now.

b.    The Senate and Congress already know what America needs and what is best for American Citizens.  They just need to do it.

c.     A Lobbyist organization costs more money to the tax payer and government.

d.    Lobbyist organizations only represent a small amount of the population of America.  Like “Special Interest Groups”.  The American citizen who elected their official does not always, and more times than none can travel to Washington DC and meet with their elected officials to discuss various problems and issues that their elected officials need to address and resolve.

e.    It is my goal to establish a regular routine for all elected officials to travel to their respective districts and meet with the very citizens who elected them.  Townhall Meetings or something where all the elected officials can invite all the citizens in the elected officials districts the opportunity to attend and discuss with their elected official the items of importance, including the elected official explaining what has been accomplished and what goals they want to accomplish.

f.      America no longer has time and should no longer allow a minority of special interest groups to dictate to the rest and all other Americans how to live and what to accept.  What I term, cramming their desires down the throats of the American Citizens.

18. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance back into Public Schools:

a.    It is imperative that Public Prayer be brought back into the Public-School System, Nationwide.

b.    It is imperative that The Pledge of Allegiance be brought back into the Public-School System, Nationwide.

c.     We all want and desire for not only School violence to end, but for all violence to end.  We don’t need Gun Control.  We need Jesus in This Nation to Make This Nation Great Again.

19. Transgender:

a.    Stop the madness of women being able to use the men’s restrooms, and men being able to use the women’s restrooms.  I am appalled at this condolence.  I will fight hard to bring back respect to human dignity whereby women use women’s restrooms and men use men’s restrooms.  This is just another example of number 17 above.

b.    I can’t speak for any woman, since I am a man, but the negative consequences of women serving aboard Military Naval Ships should be stopped.  To many horror stories have been brought to my attention because of this ruling.  This needs to be overturned and respect brought back to the Military.

c.     If a person, man or woman, requests ‘transitioning surgery’ to serve in the Military, your and my tax dollars should not be used for such surgery.

20. Elected Officials:

a.    Healthcare: All Senators and Members of Congress should have the same healthcare choices as you and I have.

b.    If an elected official is not working, then they should not be paid.  In the normal Business world, an employee accrues time off, or PTO, by the amount of time they normally work. 

c.     In other words, all elected officials should live like the rest of us.

21. Balanced Budget:

a.    America should be run like a business, when it comes to the budget.

b.    We, you and I, spend only what we bring home as our income.  We try hard not to spend it all, but to put back some for savings.  What gives Washington DC Members of the Senate and Congress the right to spend more money than what America has?

     b. What gives the Senate and Congress the freedom to vote raises for themselves that exceeds the standard three percent the private sector is given yearly?

     c.     In other words, all elected officials should live like the rest of us.

22. Social Security:

a.  Once a person can retire, do not limit the amount of income they can make.

b. If a person who has retired and drawing social security still wants to work for a salary, then that person should be able to work if they want and not have to worry or be concerned about the limited amount of income they are allowed to make.  Currently SSA states the limit a person can monetarily make while drawing SSA for retirement.  Any monetary amount of income that person makes, who is now retired and drawing SS, is penalized by SSA for their ability to work and earn any income. 

Example: If a person who is now retired and drawing SS, let's say $1,000 dollars per month.  The SSA stipulates to that person that they can earn $300 per month over the $1,000.  If that same person earns any amount over the SSA stipulation of the $300 per month, then the SSA receives 50 percent, or half of the dollar amount over the $300.  Yearly, the retired person receiving SS of $12,000; with the limited amount that retiree earns $300 x 12 months = $3,600 set forth by the SSA.  $12,000 + $3,600 = $14,600 yearly without being penalized by the SSA.  Any amount over the $14,600 that retiree earns will be penalized by the SSA receiving HALF of the additional earned income.  Example: A retiree receives the max of $14,600 per year with no penalty by the SSA.  If that same retiree receives and additional $400 per year over the $14,600, then the SSA gets half or $200 of that retiree's income.   If this is as clear as mud, then thank the SSA for your lifetime of contributing to the SSA with each pay check you have earned in your working years.  

c. My goal is to present an amendment or a bill, some kind of legislation, addressing the SSA so any retired person can work as long and make as much income as they want without any SSA penalties while drawing SSI for their retirement. 

d. Stop the madness of politicians stealing from the SSA, which you and I have invested in all our working lives, and using OUR SSI for any whim that they want in the guise of paying for some kind of worthless agenda that will benefit themselves, but in reality hurts you and me overall.

23. Restructure the U.S. Military's stand on punishing Chaplain's for praying publicly in the Name of Jesus and ministering to all military in Jesus' Name. 

24. Congress and the Senate develop Bill's (Laws) to be voted for from time to time.  I can't remember a time when a Proposed Bill just covered one item or issue.  Currently the norm is a congress person or senator develops a Bill with one item, issue, etc.  Then what occurs is that other congress persons and senators say if they vote for the original proposed Bill, that the developer must include, somewhere in the meat of the original Bill, their plug (so to speak) and thus before the Bill is approved, the Original Bill has several other items included that may or may not have any relevance to the Original Developed Bill.

My proposal is to develop a Bill that states that no other item, issue, agenda will be included in the Originally Developed Bill.

Example Only: In other words, a developed Bill that states that before a/an immigrant can receive Health Care or any other benefit that all other American Citizens receive, that immigrant must become an American Citizen by completing the already existing course and education with proof by passing the Citizenship Test.   Leave this Bill alone by not allowing any other item to be inserted into the core of this Bill.  A Bill should ONLY cover and/or address ONE particular issue.  No exceptions.  Period.

25. Abortion and Rape.

a. Abortion should be performed only to save the life of the mother.

b. There is much debate about, if a woman is raped and becomes pregnant, whether that constitutes an abortion.  A very touchy subject.  In this case, I would leave the decision up to the woman.  Regardless, any woman who has been raped and becomes pregnant should seek counseling from a professional and a minister or/and her pastor, but not privately.  She should be accompanied by her mother or family member, or/and one of her good friends or sisters in Christ at a counseling session.


It has been my experience that every woman I have talked to who had an abortion, each woman dreadfully regrets that they had an abortion.  That their decision to abort their baby, haunts them for the rest of their lives.  Most have given their lives to Jesus and have been forgiven for their abortion. 

The memory of the abortion, still is a memory they never forget.

c. Life begins at conception.  


“For Such A Time as This”


 I will NOT be a career politician.  It has been my desire to SERVE America once again, ever since I was Honorably Discharged from the United States Navy in 1980.  I ended my enlistment because my wife and I began having our family.   

America is in dire need of somebody to Serve the American citizens, and not their own selves.

In advance, thank you as I only have one request from each of you; Your Prayerful Consideration to vote for me as your next United States Senator from Tennessee.  

God Bless you and your families.  God has already Blessed America.  It is now time that America Blesses God Almighty.

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