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Everyone needs to see the following video.  This is what New York City looks like today!


I do not apologize for the following in reference to George Floyd who was murdered by four murderers recently, NOT police officers.

I will go public on this. The gentleman who was brutally murdered by four so called "police officers"; my verdict is as follows. This is, in reference to, George Floyd who was murdered.


In my Platform Tab on my campaign website, I addressed the issue that if a person or persons murdered another person, with 100% evidence that murder occurred, the murderer/s should immediately be put on death row and executed no later than three months.


Some people have a different perspective on what I propose in my platform.


Some people think that the murderers of George Floyd should be sentenced to life in prison. That death within a three-month time frame is too good for those murderers. That those four murderers should live out the rest of their days thinking about what they did. And suffer their lives in prison every day for the remainder of their human life.


A whole lot of people want to see these murderers suffer and that death within three months would be too good for those four murderers.


I understand why a vast majority want those four murderers to suffer, and suffer, and suffer. Even with life sentences for each, the taxpayer, you, and I will be paying for them for as long as they live. Along with that, a lot of people are willing to have their tax dollars applied to making sure those four murderers live in torment the rest of their lives.

Let's say they get life in prison.  You and I, the tax payers will contribute to their life they live in prison.  We will pay for their three square meals a day.  We will pay for their continued education, if they choose to persue any degree through a PHD.  We will pay for their excercise in a gym.  I don't know about you, but I would rather my tax dollars be spent on more positive things besides making sure a murderer is well taken care of all their life in prison.

When elected as the next United States Senator from Tennessee, I will develop legislation to have such murderers on death row and executed within a three month time frame.  This will do several things, but most of all it will make a statement to the rest of dissturbed unlawful people that if they commit murder, they will be excuted, and curtail much violence in America.  


I don't know if there are any other options for those four murderers to suffer.


I pray that justice will be done and violence will cease throughout this United States of America. And that ALL Americans realize that these four murderers do not represent the Police and Law Enforcement overall. But that these four murderers were never police officers, and should be treated like they are, murderers.


God Bless everyone who reads this post and please pray for Peace in our land in Jesus' Name.


The following Special Event, is actually a Statewide Event and not my specific event.  I am not ashamed to be called Christian.  So with that said, I hope everyone who visits my camppaign  website will read the following article.  Thank You.


The following information is from iVoterGuide and is in reference to the COVID-19 Virus.  I encorage all to read.


Dear Tom;

COVID-19 came and dominated everything. So I want to offer you six ways COVID is revealing why the upcoming elections matter. Maybe these can encourage you in your passion for our country’s government. And you can pass them on to friends and family!


Reason #1: COVID-19 reminds us that elected officials
can make life and death decisions.

In America, “we the people” govern, and we get the government we deserve. Elected officials can make life and death decisions that affect massive numbers of people, the viability of the entire economy, and the future of generations. Elections aren’t just about “politics.” They are about life, death, and the future. Voting, and voting wisely, is vital.       

Reason #2: COVID-19 reveals how vulnerable our religious liberties are.

Some elected officials in various states and localities singled out church services for special sanctions. Legal organizations defending religious freedom were busy in many places across the country defending churches. While most locations had no problems with accommodations such as drive-in church services, enough did to elicit warnings from religious liberty experts. These experts cautioned that the surprising measures of some officials threatened to set bad precedents.

Reason #3: COVID-19 reveals how vulnerable our civil liberties are.

One dismayed police veteran in California wrote that Los Angeles’ skid row, rife with open crime, was untouched by law enforcement. Yet a lone surfer was fined and police ticketed 22 people in cars watching the sunset on Easter. A man was arrested for playing T-ball with his six-year-old in a park (apparently lawfully). And pro-life sidewalk counselors in North Carolina were arrested even though they were legally recognized as “essential” and were practicing social distancing.

Reason #4: On the other hand, COVID-19 showed that many elected officials
still support religious and civil liberties.

Many elected officials pushed the other way, allowing as much religious freedom as allowed under the law. Judges struck down some of the most blatant acts of anti-religious bullying by other officials. The President called a national day of emergency prayer. The Coronavirus Task Force prayed. The U.S. Attorney General warned that local officials who violated constitutional rights would be treading on hazardous ground.

Reason #5: Politicians used the COVID-19 crisis to stuff special-interest pork into laws meant to help average Americans.

The federal relief legislation helped millions of employers and employees. But it also resulted in “relief funds” being funneled to wealthy universities, the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and other dubious destinations that were favorites of lawmakers.

Reason #6: COVID-19 showed that the worldviews of politicians matter.

An effort to save human life pervaded the nation. Those concerned for lives of the elderly or at-risk people affirmed an innate realization that humans are God’s image-bearers and worthy of protection. Tragically, many of those same politicians used the crisis as a platform to try to deny the same sanctity of life to the very young: the unborn. The crisis was very telling in that sense. It revealed:

  • Secularism versus respect for religion.

  • Lust for power versus limited government.

  • Socialist tendencies versus the free market.

  • “Let’s see which way the wind blows” pragmatism versus a fidelity to principle.

  • Private ambition versus a public spirit.


All the violations of rights I mentioned above confirm the principle James Madison wrote in Federalist 51: “you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.” For that reason, the Founders created a limited government to avoid too much power in too few hands. In the crisis, we’ve seen elected officials given an inch of power and then taking a mile.

As one governor warned, “If a leader will take too much power in a time of crisis, that is how we lose our country.”

For these reasons and more, it is critical that voters really know what a candidate for office, including those already in office, believes. It is also critical voters know who supports a candidate. And it’s essential to know an office holder’s record.

That’s why iVoterGuide has a team of 20 staff and hundreds of highly-trained volunteers with a goal of supplying Christian and conservative voters the information on 8,000 candidates at the federal, state, and often local levels in primary elections and in November.

If Christians have this information, they can and will vote their values. If more Christians have information, more Christians will come to the polls. And we will deserve, and get, the government we deserve—and it will be a better one!

Thank you for being a wise friend of iVoterGuide. Please pray for our efforts (we work remote anyway, so our work has progressed without interruption). And if you can support us financially, you will help this campaign to inform voters and advance godliness and freedom in America.

For our future,


Debbie Wuthnow
President, iVoterGuide


The following link is current information by a Medical Doctor in reference to the COVID-19 Pandemic.



The following link is information reegarding Department of Children's Services and Child Advocacy Centers.


Memorial Day, May 25, 2020

The following link honors the brave men and women who have given their lives for our freedom.


The following link is absolutely, disturbing.  Back to my Platform on this, my campaign website.

Platform; Item 6.C. explains my intent for legislation to curtail violence as in this video link below.  

I support all law enforcement, first responders, etc.  BUT, law enforcement, first responders, etc. ARE NOT ABOVE THE LAW.


And I am not afraid to publish this incident.  I doubt if any of the other 28 candidates for the United States Senate will be brave enough to publish this on their websites.  I hope that I am wrong and that all 28 candidates will join me in the pursuit of JUSTICE.


God Bless everyone who watches this video and joins me in my belief that NO ONE is above The LAW.


The following video is a Doctor Mike Hansen explaining a lot of information in reference to the COVID-19.  This is very informational and educational and should be received as very helpful for everyone who reads.

Thank you to all who watch the video link above.


My Website will be an ongoing work in progress as updates will be posted.

I want to have what is already developed available for anyone who desires to read my information now, instead of at a later date.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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